Tiffany by the numbers:
6000 miles traveled, covering
16 states, in
23 days, with
4 kids, and
1 husband, in
Tiffany Kerns is a lifelong Oregonian. She grew up cheering for the Oregon Ducks and then attending Oregon State University, making her a “Beaver Believer”. Her nutrition career includes clinical work, counseling, outpatient diabetes teaching and continues to unfold in her new role as Nutritionist with the Path to Mindful Eating Program(PME) at Portland DBT Institute.
When not following college football, Tiffany loves to spend time enjoying the beauty of the Northwest: mountain hikes, days at the beach, running with friends on city trails, or just lounging on her back deck with a good cup of coffee and a book. Tiffany also loves being with people, is naturally curious and finds laughter contagious. Her passion for living “fully alive” extends into her work with nutrition and helping her clients take that next step toward freedom with food.