Leah by the numbers:
3 different corners of the United States lived in
2 generations of DBT therapists in her family
65 the temperature at which her Florida dog starts shivering
107 articles of fabric tie-dyed in the past year
Leah Smart-Gordon graduated with her Masters in Social Work degree from Florida State University in 2013 and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Oregon and Florida. She has experience with social work in hospital settings here and abroad as she did her MSW internship in Dublin, Ireland. Leah first started her DBT training in 2013 and has continued her passion for helping people who struggle with self-harming behaviors, suicidality and severe emotional dysregulation. She was initially trained by Nancy Gordon, LCSW, DBT-LBC Certified Clinician, while working at Tampa Bay Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and also completed an Advanced Intensive Training with Charles Swenson, MD and Kelly Koerner, PhD. Leah has worked with younger children, teens and adults and has experience leading many DBT groups as well as Family Education and Support groups. Although Leah has spent the last 12 years living in Florida she was born and raised in Vermont and is excited to get out of the brutal heat and live closer to mountains. Leah is Assistant Manager on the Path to Mindful Eating Team at PDBTI.