Dan by the numbers:
3 people named Dan in his college ska band
49 US states visited
60 minutes commuted by bicycle on an average day
37 years old when he bought his first car
Dan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor in the state of Oregon. He received his Master of Social Work from Simmons College in Boston, after which he relocated to Portland to be closer to his partner’s family. Dan’s experience includes working in community mental health, substance use treatment, and college counseling. Before becoming a social worker, Dan was a career counselor at a music school, and before that, he researched arts policy. He moved into the field of social work because he wanted to take a more comprehensive, holistic approach to helping each client live as fulfilling a life as possible. Dan’s background in policy research, music and the arts and his interest in creativity inform his approach to therapy and his commitment to providing evidence-based treatments. Dan is a member of the substance use team at PDBTI.